Benefits of including a fall break in the school calendar

With the second quarter underway, many teachers are feeling overwhelmed and as though they’re falling behind. Students are seemingly stressed over getting all assignments turned in on time, especially with the crazy schedules we’ll have in the coming weeks. The overall mood of the school could be categorized as nearing burnout. 

Of the private schools in Cincinnati, McNicholas is one of the only schools without a fall break and an uncharacteristicly short Christmas break leading to many questioning why the schedule is as hectic as it is. Both English teacher Mrs. Laura Rupp and Administrative Assistant Mrs. Jenni Tumser feel that a break during the middle of the first quarter, or at the beginning of the second quarter would be beneficial for both the teachers and the students.  

“Getting some extra days to breathe and catch up on work – whether that be school or college it would be really nice,” states, senior Calla Garretson. Along with Calla, many other students stated they could use the break.  

Junior Mia Bucher enjoying the fall leaves while they are here.

The break would be beneficial to have “just a minute to catch a breath somewhere in there” English teacher, Mrs. Laura Rupp states. Faculty has also said that a few extra days would help them get back on track and stay focused for the rest of the semester. “Even if it was just a three-day weekend,” Rupp feels the rest would have a long-lasting payoff.  

“If it was just around three days, I would just hang out with my friends,” Freshman Samantha Hummel states. Students also feel the strain, but the faculty and staff are often not given breaks as the days students have off, they have in-services, workdays, and professional development instead.  

Many have said that the break would be helpful, no matter the length, most would not go out of town but probably plan a day trip or just relax in the house.  

Even if the break was short, students and faculty have said they would appreciate the break just as a breather, time to catch up on work, and catching up on grading.  

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