Rocket Quiz: It’s not Rocket science! Milestone launches quiz to reveal just how much Rocket you really are

Made popular by Buzzfeed, entertainment quizzes have told us everything from which Friends’ character we are, which Harry Potter house we’re in, and what kind of dog breed we are.  The Milestone has jumped on the bandwagon with own style of quizzes, the first of which is to see how much of a Rocket you really are.

This quiz, “What Percent Rocket Are You?,” asks questions about McNicholas High School and its history. After finishing the quiz, your percentage will appear, as well as each question and its correct answer. Scroll down to see your percentage category.

Percentage Categories

0%: Do you even go here?

10%: You need a lesson in guessing.

20%: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

30%: This isn’t a score to brag about.

40%: You could still do better.

50%: Your chance of winning a coin flip is 50%. This is not a coin flip.

60%: You were so close to passing, but not quite.

70%: You passed!

80%: You are, indeed, a Rocket.

90%: Now this is a score to brag about and you probably know the fight song by heart!

100%: Congratulations! You’re pure Rocket, and your blood is probably green!

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